Removable Cuffs and Collar

written by
nina britschgi
November 3, 2011

Removable Cuffs and Collar

written by
nina britschgi
November 3, 2011
back to blog home

(I hope this post shows up right, it's the first time I'm using the wordpress iPad App!) I mentioned in my "sewing plans" post that I'm thinking about making removable cuffs and collar for the houndstooth sheath dress. I think it will be a bit of a challenge for me, I've never really made a collar before, but there's something about collars in the drafting book I have (the only book I have on sewing so far, but I ordered the colette sewing book, so it won't be lonely for long :)).

This is what I want the cuffs and collar to look like (since I don't have a scanner or good camera where I live during the week, I took a picture with my iPad and traced it by using an illustrator app and speciak pen to make a new, cleaner image, uploaded it via an app, and now I'm writing this blog entry using yet another app. A little pathetic, no? Haha...)

So today I was thinking about how they'd be attached to the dress (since I want them to be removable). I think I'll use either buttons on the dress and buttonholes on cuffs&collar, or little metal snaps. I'm leaning towards snaps, seems less fussy to me, but buttons might be flatter? I've also been thinking about how to interface the collar, to make it nice and crisp. Ideas?