Outfit: Mint & Red

Outfit: Mint & Red

After posting about this color combination last week, I went through my wardrobe to see what I could pull together (that was also warm enough to wear in this freezing weath

You can't see it in these pictures unfortunately, but the collar has embroidered tips! I got it for 1 swiss franc at the thrift store, and I've been wanting to make it smaller since I got it 1.5 years ago. I took the sleeves off a while ago, and then came across it again while frantically looking for something to wear, and without the sleeves it fits under a sweater perfectly! I still plan on making the blouse smaller someday. The skirt I got at american apparel a while ago, but I don't wear it often cause it's so tight, but with a sweater over it like this I feel comfortable.
This winter this kind of outfit has been like a uniform for me, except I usually wear jeans with it, but I keep going for the blouse and sweater combo. Along with my long black winter coat (that's more like a cloak) it reminds me of school uniforms. Maybe it's because I listened through all of the Harry Potter audiobooks this fall, haha. :)