I'm done! (confession: not really but who knows if I'll ever add those three buttons on the peplum...).
I took some pictures in my room this morning (I've been putting off taking pictures in the new apartment, but even though it's really rainy and dark today, they turned out ok! I just don't know how I'm going to photograph dresses yet...)

Here you can see the shirring in the back! I started and ended 5cm in from the side seams.

Of course Minkleton was very curious as to why there was this black box that makes weird noises on top of his scratching post.

I really like this blouse! And I'm glad I did the buttons because I realized I don't need the top one I made (it's unbuttoned in the pictures). Even though it makes the blouse a little more "revealing" than the reaping dress in the movie, I think it fits my proportions better. Also, I've added "lower front waistline slightly" to the list of things to alter. I think making a peplum blouse as a muslin for a dress is really great, because you get to check the fit (or balance rather?) of the waistline as well (compared to making a muslin where you would elongate the bodice parts to be a "normal", tuck-in blouse).
PS: some cat pictures, because it's thursday! yay!