Cyber Tarot

Cyber Tarot

Well, my first semester of fashion design has been over for a while, but I needed a little break from my first project before I went over it again to pick out things to share on the blog. The presentation was at the end of january, and now, before I dive into the next project (which I'm really looking forward to!), I'm writing this massive, image heavy post to really close that chapter.
I don't feel like going into too much detail, but I do want to explain the assignment. The first year curriculum has the title "mapping the terrain and locating your position", and our first two projects focus on research and the design process, not so much on creating a complete, well-sewn garment (this allows for a wide range of people from different backgrounds to enter into fashion design, as sewing skills are not necessary at first). That said, we were required to complete three "look-sketches", which are life-sized, three-dimensional sketches (similar to a muslin, but it can be made from pre existing garments, stapled or glued together, painted or sprayed the right color etc.), that should communicate your design idea. They split up the three "look-sketches" so each one had a specific focus: 1. color/pattern, 2. silhouette, 3. materiality (so your silhouette look-sketch didn't have to have the correct color or use the material that the actual finished garment would).
It might be a little hard to imagine, but I hope the pictures will clarify. It feels a little weird, posting pictures of "clothing" that is so far from finished (especially since this used to be more of a sewing blog, focusing on learning sewing skills and technique), but I hope you can understand their context from my explanation above.

Parallel to researching and designing garments and accessories, we also have to research and create sketches for "key visuals". I'm really glad we learn this too, because I think developing a strong visual language to go with the garments is an important skill to have in this field.

So that's it! The first project. There are so many things I want to do differently next time, most importantly: stress less. And setting boundaries between work and free time for myself. I went home way too late, way too often (because I like working! which is a luxury problem, I'm aware), and 3/4 of the way through the project I felt drained and uninspired...
But now I'm recharged and ready to go :)